Electoral Program for the State Election 2024


Barrier-free politics

We want a society in which everyone can participate. For this reason, language, visual, hearing and other material barriers must be removed in communication between politicians and the population, and „Easy Reade“ must also be used. Whether, for example, dubbing for ministry publications or subtitles for state parliament meetings – accessibility must be ensured in every political process.

eGovernment and Open Source

We are committed to the expansion and dissemination of eGovernment solutions for the benefit of simple administration. Sufficient training must be provided for staff. Attention must always be paid to accessibility, data protection, the possibility of encryption and the availability of an alternative, non-electronic procedure. We are committed to the complete transition from proprietary software to free open source software in the state administration and state-owned companies.

OpenData initiative

We demand that all public data be made available in machine-readable form in compliance with data protection regulations.

Protect personal data

We demand that personal data (e.g. registration data) must not be passed on to third parties and certainly not sold.

Transparency and Lobby Register

We demand transparency from the government and authorities. People need to know which interest groups are trying to influence politics. As a first step, the state of Saxony should introduce a mandatory public lobby register for all parliaments at state and municipal level.

Freedom of Information Act

We are calling for a Freedom of Information Act for Saxony. The law should give every person an unconditional legal right to access official information from state authorities.

Comprehensive transparency law

Since January 1, 2023, we finally have a valid transparency law in Saxony. This must now be fully implemented and the rights it contains further expanded. We are therefore calling for the mandatory transparency platforms to be fully installed, for a wide range of information to be made available on these platforms by the authorities subject to transparency obligations and for an extensive media campaign to promote the transparency portals and the opportunities to use them. We also call for the right of access to information to be extended to the entire municipal sector, as the possibility for municipalities to draw up their own transparency statutes is not sufficient to ensure a municipal information offering.

Secure communication by e-mail

We demand the provision of a secure e-mail communication channel to and within public authorities. The encryption technology must be based on open source and be free of charge.

Secure communication via social media

A broad digital information offering in Saxony is important. A social media presence is absolutely essential for this. But for free and self-determined digital access for citizens, we should rely on free, decentralized social media. For example, Saxony’s existing Mastodon server is to be expanded and opened up to cities and municipalities.

Free WiFi

We want free wireless nodes to be set up and operated in all public buildings in the country. Furthermore, civil society Freifunk initiatives should be supported. This can be done by supporting software development or by providing public buildings and network infrastructure.

Abolition of the five-percent hurdle

We demand the abolition of the 5% threshold in the Saxon state parliament elections. If there is a mathematical entitlement to a mandate, it must be granted.

Lower the voting age

We advocate lowering the voting age to 14 for state and local elections in Saxony.

Family voting rights

In order to give families more importance in the political arena, we want to initiate an open discussion on whether and how children can be granted the right to vote in elections. This debate on a possible reform of the right to vote should be conducted together with parents‘ representatives, representatives of political science and law, the Saxon Children and Youth Commissioner, youth work and youth education associations and the State Center for Political Education, among others.

Instruments of direct democracy

We are committed to more participation, co-determination and grassroots democracy. The hurdles for the three-stage process of direct democracy, i.e. referendum petition, petition for a referendum and referendum, should be lowered.

Amendment of municipal regulations

We demand the following changes to the Saxon municipal code:

  • As a rule, committee meetings should be public and only contain non-public parts if valid reasons are given publicly
  • Members of a municipal council should be allowed to form a parliamentary group if there are 2 or more form a parliamentary group, irrespective of a percentage requirement
  • Strengthening the rights of local and district councils
  • The collection of supporting signatures for citizens‘ petitions and nominations must be made possible both online and in analog form; the latter should be allowed to be collected outside of citizens‘ offices and their opening hours
  • Extension of the invitation deadlines for residents‘ meetings
  • Cancellation of the cost recovery proposal for the implementation of citizens‘ petitions

Make local constitutions possible for urban districts

We demand that municipalities give their districts the opportunity to establish their own local constitutions as part of their political and administrative autonomy. Giving themselves rules of procedure and being able to set their own agenda is important in order to truly democratize local committees in a self-determined way.

Projects against right-wing extremism

We believe that civil society engagement against right-wing extremism is urgently needed. State funding for projects against right-wing extremism should therefore be expanded and made permanent. In particular, counseling services for those affected by right-wing violence and the continuation of exit projects, i.e. support services for those leaving the right-wing extremist scene, should be financially secured throughout Saxony.

Guaranteed daycare places

We demand: Every child is entitled to a free childcare place in a daycare facility or daycare center within reasonable proximity to their place of residence from the age of one.

Free lunches at daycare centers and schools

We are committed to providing all daycare and school children with access to free lunches that meet the quality standards of the German Nutrition Society. Attention should be paid to the use of seasonal and regional foods. The food on offer should be served in the respective facility and include at least one vegan dish.

Childcare ratio at daycare centers and schools

In order to achieve higher quality in the education sector, we are calling for a gradual reduction in the staffing ratio (ratio of nursery teachers to children) to 1:3 in crèches/nurseries and 1:7.5 in daycare centers. The class size ratio (ratio of teachers to pupils) should also be reduced to 1:25 for the time being and even further in the long term.

School social work

Each school should have at least one permanently employed social worker to provide support outside the classroom.

Gender freedom in schools

We reject the ban on the use of gender-sensitive language in schools. Whether and how they use this language should be up to the pupils. Teachers should merely ensure that the relevant linguistic rules are applied consistently.

Reform of religious school education

Art. 7 para. 3 of the Basic Law states: „Religious education is a regular subject in public schools with the exception of non-denominational schools.“ In practice, this is currently interpreted in such a way that only one religion is taught at a time. We are of the opinion that this interpretation is no longer appropriate in a modern, globalized and intercultural society. We are therefore committed to reforming education into a subject that views religion as a social phenomenon as a whole and imparts knowledge about the different religions of the world.

Central Abitur

We are in favor of a nationwide centralized Abitur.

End discrimination in compensation for disadvantages

Chronic illnesses or other health impairments must not lead to restrictions in education. We consider the granting of compensation for disadvantages, i.e. the compensation of barriers arising from examinations and lessons, to be an important building block for inclusion. When assessing whether compensation for disadvantages can be granted, all educational institutions must comply with both Article 3 (1) of the German Basic Law and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The legal construct of „permanent illness“, which discriminates against people with chronic somatic disabilities, must no longer be applied. Those affected who wish to apply for compensation for disadvantages must be given barrier-free access to a neutral advice center.

Reform of the teacher training program

We are calling for reforms to teacher training courses to include significantly more practical work during the course, a stronger focus on didactics and pedagogy and a clear separation between teacher training and subject-specific courses.

Teaching in the countryside

Special incentives must be given to newcomers to the teaching profession in rural areas.

Creating digital and media skills

Teachers need ongoing free training in the use of digital teaching materials and content.
Digital and media literacy must also become more of a focus in education as an additional school subject. This new school subject should cover at least the following topics:

  • Operation of various end devices
  • Structure and functioning of the internet
  • Dealing with social media
  • Data protection and data security
  • Recognizing „fake news“

Digital infrastructure of schools

Schools need permanent and comprehensive administrative support for both hardware and software used in everyday school life. These tasks must not be passed on to teachers. All teachers and pupils should be given access to an online platform (cloud) that contains the learning content of the Saxon curriculum. This platform must then be expanded so that kindergartens and universities can also benefit from it. To this end, we are calling for all schools to be able to use a centrally provided IT system. This should take on the following tasks:

  • The administration and support of all hardware and software at the schools
  • A hotline for pupils and teachers with IT problems
  • Technical support for the production of digital learning content
  • IT security for teachers and pupils

Free knowledge for all types of schools

We demand that all learning content in kindergartens, schools and universities be made freely available to everyone.

Open Access

We demand that the results of scientific work and research financed with taxpayers‘ money be made freely available to everyone.

Duale Hochschule Sachsen

We demand that all „Berufsakademien“ (vocational academies, BAs) in Saxony be converted into „Duale Hochschulen“ (dual universities).

Standardization of study administration

We are calling for the standardization of the infrastructure, for example for enrolment, retrieval of examination results or e-learning for all universities and universities of applied sciences in Saxony.

Improving the working conditions of mid-level academic staff

We call for an improvement in the working conditions of mid-level academic staff, for example through longer and more adaptable contract terms and flexible employment contracts. Teaching assignments at universities, especially in the context of LfbA positions (teaching staff for special tasks), must not be misused to reduce regular employment.

Prospects for young academics

We demand real prospects for young academics. Temporary positions in the public sector should be ruled out – in line with the motto: „Permanent positions for permanent tasks“. Instead, positions must be financed on a long-term basis. Furthermore, universities must offer independent advice, further training and career planning.

Revolution Study

We demand a reform of the Higher Education Act that considerably strengthens the previously minimal rights of students and non-professorial staff vis-à-vis the professorial level. The rules for the employment of student and academic assistants must be more clearly defined in order to prevent the exploitation and misappropriation of auxiliary work with the aim of escaping collective bargaining (e.g. for administrative activities).

Collective agreement for student employees

To date, there is no collective agreement for student employees, which is an absolute impertinence on the part of the Free State of Saxony as an employer. How can the private sector be expected to strengthen employee rights if the public sector deliberately rejects collective agreements? A collective agreement for student employees is needed in order to abolish precarious employment relationships and low wages. Alternatively, we call for the integration of auxiliary staff into the TV-L (collective agreement of the federal states).

Parent-independent BAföG and BAB

To ensure that all young people have access to education after their school years, we are calling for BAFöG or BAB for all students and trainees in Bavaria, regardless of their parents‘ income.

Free education

All people should be able to pursue their education regardless of their income and assets. That is why we categorically reject training and tuition fees.

Maintaining libraries and expanding their services

It is imperative that libraries in Saxony continue to be maintained and financially supported by the state. The expansion and modernization of the offer (e.g. through own streaming offers, contactless book return, interactive learning offers, further education, etc.) must be financially secured in the long term.

Renaturation and species protection

As a result of climate change, we have observed in recent years how periods of drought, prolonged periods of rain and record temperatures have affected our native nature more frequently and more severely. We consider the following measures to be particularly important in order to make our environment more resistant to such stresses:

  • Renaturalization of wetlands and moors
  • Near-natural restoration of straightened riverbeds and streams
  • Widening or creation of floodplains and riparian forests as natural flood protection
  • Planting resistant species and creating more biodiversity in forestry
  • Programs for the protection, conservation and reintroduction of endangered species

Domestic wolf populations

We consider the wolf population, which was once extinct in Saxony and has re-established itself in the state in recent years, to be a part of our native ecosystem that is worth protecting.

Climate emergency

We call on the state government to declare a climate emergency in Saxony and thus to classify the containment of the climate crisis and its serious consequences as a top priority task. From now on, the impact on the climate must be taken into account in all decisions and solutions that have a positive impact on climate, environmental and species protection must always be preferred. To this end, all relevant draft resolutions and applications, particularly in the areas of construction, transport and energy supply, must be reviewed for their impact on greenhouse gas emissions and climate effects and the results must be presented in the submission. In addition, Saxony must proactively develop concepts to achieve climate neutrality as quickly as possible, as quickly as possible, but by 2035 at the latest (see 3.4. Climate neutrality 2035). We also demand that the Minister President report annually to parliament and the public on the progress and difficulties in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Climate neutrality 2035

With the Energy and Climate Program 2021 (EKP 2021), the state government has set itself the goal of making Saxony climate-neutral by 2045. In our opinion, this is too late, which is why we are calling for systemic measures in all public departments to counter the climate catastrophe as quickly as possible and become climate-neutral by 2035.

Sustainability in the state-owned enterprise SIB

The state of Saxony must become a pioneer in climate neutrality in its own areas. The state-owned company Sächsisches Immobilien- und Baumanagement (SIB) must give the highest priority to climate-friendly planning for new buildings and renovations (including thermal insulation, green roofs, solar systems, urban greenery).

0-euro ticket

We advocate the introduction of local public transport financed by a levy. We see such a „0-euro ticket“ together with well-developed public transport as an integral part of public services. Attractive local public transport shifts car traffic to buses and trains and thus makes an effective contribution to the traffic turnaround.

Cycling infrastructure

We are in favor of expanding the cycling infrastructure. For this reason, more money should be made available to local authorities for the construction of cycle paths, footboards at traffic lights and cycle bars. Bicycle lanes should also be made mandatory when new roads are built or renovated. Municipalities, districts, neighboring federal states and neighboring European countries should work together to build a well-connected cycling infrastructure across a large area. We are committed to ensuring that legal and natural persons are granted incentives for the purchase of cargo bikes. The funding guideline must be made permanent, backed by long-term budgets and continuously updated to reflect changing conditions.

Phasing out the extraction of fossil fuels

We call for an immediate end to the promotion of fossil fuels. Subsidies should instead be used for the renaturation of former or current coal mining areas and to promote alternative, environmentally friendly power generation.

Phasing out lignite-fired power generation

Saxony’s lignite mining areas are still responsible for very high CO2 emissions. We demand that coal-fired power generation be phased out as quickly as possible.

Wind and solar power plants

We are calling for an expansion of wind power plants. To this end, appropriate areas should be developed in cooperation with the planning associations and the necessary infrastructure created. In addition, all public buildings must be checked for their usability in the field of photovoltaics and, if suitable, fitted with solar modules. This requirement must already be taken into account in the planning process for new construction and renovation projects of the state.

Hydropower plants

The usability of watercourses for the construction of hydropower plants must be examined together with the districts.

Combined land use for agriculture and energy

In our view, we can break new ground by using agricultural land to generate energy in addition to agricultural work, as has been successfully tried and tested in other countries for years.

Decentralized electricity management

We call for the promotion of decentralized electricity generation and electricity storage.

Balcony power plants

We are calling for citizens to be able to claim a state subsidy for the installation of their first balcony power plant. Both the application and the payment of the subsidy must be possible with as little bureaucracy and as quickly as possible.

Energy generation through hydrogen

The generation of energy from hydrogen requires further research, which should be carried out in cooperation with universities and energy suppliers.

Creation of energy storage

We are calling for the development and expansion of energy storage facilities in Saxony, new investments in the field of energy storage technology and the preservation of pumped storage power plants in Saxony.

Liberalize and democratize police law again

As expected, parts of the Police Act of the Free State of Saxony (SächsPolG) have been declared unconstitutional. We demand that the SächsPolG not only be adapted to the constitutional court ruling, but that all regulations that grant the police excessive powers be withdrawn. We also demand that the militarization of the Saxon police be stopped immediately and that public control areas (danger zones) be abolished. An actual identification requirement for police officers and independent complaints and investigation offices are essential in order to finally be able to prosecute police violence. We also call for a complete overhaul of the current extensive surveillance measures (long-term observation and use of technical means, use of covert investigations and undercover agents, monitoring of telecommunications, identification and localization of telecommunications terminals).

Raising police awareness of racist and queer-hostile behavior

In recent years, the Saxon police have repeatedly been in the headlines due to violence, racism and other misconduct. We are calling for regular training courses and seminars to counteract this behavior. These must be mandatory for all employees in the police service and should not be carried out by the police themselves. Racist and queer-hostile behavior is not acceptable – especially not on the part of the police – and must be severely sanctioned.

„Social emergency service 113“ instead of police

There are many situations in which someone should take care of them quickly before it becomes a case for the police or emergency services. We are therefore calling for a social emergency service for acute social crises that neither have a medical indication nor require police intervention. The service should also be subject to confidentiality and essentially prevent situations from requiring police or medical assistance. This emergency service should also accompany the police in dynamic situations so that tougher measures are not only necessary when the police reach the limits of their de-escalation skills.

Police training for dynamic situations

We call for the police to be trained in dealing with dynamic situations such as assemblies and demonstrations or contact with people in an exceptional psychological situation. The involvement of psychologically trained personnel is crucial in the latter. De-escalation and communication are essential building blocks for preventing police violence, escalation and arbitrary measures. We reject the (preventive) intimidation of those affected as a police maxim. This training must be mandatory for all police employees and should not be carried out by the police themselves.

Do not use police for mental health emergencies

The police are often called out for people who actually need psychological care. We are calling for the police to be given clear guidelines as to which keywords require them to call in emergency services with psychiatric training. People with acute mental health crises must not be handed over to hospital after being driven away in handcuffs, but must receive qualified help on the spot.

Stop video surveillance

We are opposed to all video surveillance in public spaces. In particular, we reject blanket video surveillance in accordance with the Police Enforcement Service Act (SächsPVDG) within a 30-kilometer radius of the German border and in major cities. Automatic facial recognition and video data comparison with other personal data collected must be completely omitted for data protection reasons.

Protect phone calls and avoid source tapping

We are against the monitoring and interruption of telephone calls as well as the tracking and monitoring of cell phones and other digital devices. We are also calling for a ban on online searches and telecommunications surveillance without a court order.

No monitoring of persons subject to professional secrecy

We consistently oppose the surveillance of persons subject to professional secrecy (e.g. lawyers, doctors and journalists).

No auxiliary police

We take a firm stance against the arming and extended authorizations of public order offices and police authorities, such as house searches, data collection or other restrictions on fundamental rights, because the current efforts are intended to shift sovereign tasks to local authorities, including financially. We fundamentally reject vigilante groups and untrained police officers. We also reject „police private partnerships“, i.e. the use of mixed-economy companies to carry out police tasks. The Free State of Saxony must not place the guarantee of public safety in external and significantly less qualified hands.

Strengthening the right of assembly

We are firmly opposed to any restrictions on the fundamental right to freedom of assembly. The right to demonstrate must not be restricted by police or political arbitrariness; instead, there is a need for clear regulations of police and regulatory authority action that protect freedom of assembly instead of restricting it. Demonstrations must always be permitted within sight and earshot of the object of the demonstration.

Dissolution of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution

We demand the dissolution of the Saxon Office for the Protection of the Constitution.

Incentives for foreign skilled workers

Saxony’s economy is dependent on foreign skilled workers and must therefore create stronger incentives for their immigration and motivate local companies to offer language courses for their employees with a migration background. On the administrative side, the rapid recognition of qualifications and the granting of work permits are also essential for this.

Networking programs between universities and industry

We call for the promotion of networking programs between universities and the Saxon economy in order to effectively integrate foreign graduates into the Saxon job market. Smaller companies must not be discriminated against in favor of large players.

Voting rights for all with permanent residence in Saxony

People cannot see themselves as part of our community if we do not give them a voice and deny them political participation. We therefore advocate the active and passive right to vote for non-EU citizens with permanent residence in Saxony.

Integration through leisure activities

In order to achieve integration, access to various communities must be barrier-free. Corresponding projects and associations in the areas of sport, culture and youth work must be accompanied and supported.

Relieving the burden on municipalities for integration

Municipalities must receive long-term financial support from the Free State of Saxony in order to enable refugees to arrive and remain here in a good and dignified manner. Funding for civil society integration projects must be expanded and made permanent. The Free State must provide municipalities with the best possible support in their efforts to pool skills, social institutions and services.

Decentralized accommodation for refugees

We are committed to ensuring that refugees are housed decentrally and in a humane manner in apartments instead of in central collective accommodation. The stay in initial reception centers should be kept as short and pleasant as possible, especially for families and unaccompanied minors.

Abolition of the residence requirement for asylum seekers

We demand the abolition of the residence obligation for asylum seekers and tolerated persons. As a first step, freedom of movement should apply to the whole of Saxony from now on. Furthermore, the Free State of Saxony should enter into cross-border agreements to merge the residence areas of several federal states and ultimately establish freedom of movement for the entire federal territory.

Fast, fair and privacy-friendly means of payment for asylum seekers

We are committed to ensuring that refugees receive a quick, uncomplicated means of payment that bridges the time until they can open their own account and with which benefits can be paid out in accordance with the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act. However, we reject the payment card solution adopted by the Bundestag in April 2024. The spatial restrictions it contains, the exclusion of certain sectors, services and goods and the restriction of cash payments are not compatible with a humanitarian view. Furthermore, they are neither practicable nor compatible with data protection. We are therefore calling for a credit card for the whole of Saxony, which asylum seekers can use to pay wherever a normal EC card is accepted and with which they can withdraw cash from ATMs within the limits of their credit balance. The data generated when using the card may not be processed or stored by the authorities.

Prevent deportations and detention pending deportation, humanize hardship commission

We reject concepts such as „safe countries of origin“ and agreements on repatriation with defective democracies and dictatorships. The right to asylum requires an individual examination, which must always be conducted in case of doubt for those affected. In practice, deportations of so-called „persons obliged to leave the country“ usually mean life-threatening situations for those affected. We consistently reject their deportation and the tearing apart of families. The fact that a hardship commission as a last resort may only decide in favor of the right to stay of those affected with a 2/3 majority is a great grievance. We fundamentally reject detention pending deportation. The deportation detention center in Dresden, which opened in 2018, should be closed and no additional ones should be put into operation.

Reducing bureaucracy in primary healthcare

In order to make the operation of medical practices and pharmacies more attractive again, a standardized, secure and unbureaucratic IT system is needed so that there is more time for patients and customers. In general, the sector needs a reduction in bureaucracy.

Basic medical care in rural areas

The Free State of Saxony must ensure that good healthcare does not involve strenuous travel. Incentives are needed for doctors and pharmacists to set up in rural areas. In regions where practices and pharmacies cannot be operated economically, projects for appropriate mobile care should be promoted.

Improving working conditions in the care sector

In the area of patient care and nursing, it is the responsibility of the Free State to ensure that the performance of medical staff is valued – not just in words, but by improving working conditions, for example by introducing appropriate minimum staffing levels in care facilities.

Neighborhood projects for physical and mental health

Neighbourhood projects are already providing relief for people in need of care or their caring relatives by providing support in everyday life and organizing social, sporting or cultural activities. These initiatives do not replace medical care, but their care for those affected offers invaluable help and should therefore be supported by the state and local authorities.

Solidarity principle in the healthcare system

From Saxony, we want to work towards reforming the financing of the healthcare system in order to create healthcare that is accessible to all and in which all citizens participate fairly according to the principle of solidarity.

No health insurance payment for homeopathy

Treatments and medicines whose effects are not scientifically proven and do not go beyond the placebo effect must not be paid for by the health insurance funds and thus by the insured persons as a whole.

Drug consumption rooms and drug checking

Drug use cannot be prevented, it can only be made less dangerous. Risks can be minimized through the controlled distribution of substances, testing stations and medical care, which is why we advocate drug consumption rooms and drug checking services. The state must provide counseling services and targeted measures to inform, educate and raise awareness.

Unconditional basic income (UBI)

We are fully in favor of the unconditional basic income (UBI) model and thus a life without existential fear. We are calling for Saxony to take the lead here as part of a model project.

Educational leave

We believe that lifelong learning is sensible and desirable, which is why we are in favor of a statutory right to educational leave.

Anonymized application procedure

We demand that the anonymous application procedure be introduced for the state administration and for all state-owned companies and businesses. This procedure should also be used for the recruitment of trainees. In cooperation with business and trade associations, the Free State should work towards implementing the anonymized application procedure on a large scale in the private sector as well.


We are committed to expanding the range of tasks of Saxony’s anti-discrimination officers to include advice and further training for companies.

Enabling whistleblowing

Whistleblowing plays an important role in our society as it draws attention to wrongdoing and ensures transparency. We are calling for the establishment of a whistleblowing office at state level that is completely independent of politics and neutral. The office should be anonymous.

No sale of state holdings

The Free State, the districts and the municipalities have a special responsibility for public services of general interest, for example in the areas of energy supply, education and medicine. The public sector must not shirk this responsibility by leaving its fulfillment to purely private companies and thus to the free market. We are therefore against the sale of state holdings in public services to companies.

No financial speculation with agricultural land

We call for the Free State to play an active role in preventing land speculation, e.g. through the use of pre-emption rights or expropriation.

Promotion of agricultural enterprises

We demand financial support for farms that are disadvantaged by EU agricultural funding. They must comply with criteria for organic farming and sustainability.

Biodiversity in forestry and agriculture

In order to make our forests and fields more resilient to the changes associated with climate change, we must ensure the highest possible level of biodiversity in both the forestry and agricultural sectors and promote measures to this end.

Free seeds

We are committed to diversity in seeds and want to preserve old varieties so that we can draw on a large gene pool. The combination of seeds with the appropriate plant protection products should not be protected by patents. It does not matter whether the resistance was bred, brought about by genetic modification or other methods.

Housing policy

We are committed to social housing construction by the state and local authorities. The existing funding framework must be consolidated and expanded.

Equal rights in culture and sport

We demand that all cultural and sports policy funding be linked to the condition that this results in greater gender equality. Under no circumstances should traditional gender roles be maintained or even reinforced. These principles must be observed in every individual decision and must also be included in all funding guidelines of the Free State of Saxony.

Promoting leisure projects

We consider non-school projects such as make and hack spaces, cultural centers and youth clubs to be a worthy part of Saxony’s educational landscape and are therefore committed to providing financial support for them.

Video games in the Interstate Media Treaty

Video games have long been recognized as a cultural asset in Germany. Due to high production costs and inadequate cultural funding, games are nevertheless primarily pushed into the commercial market, where little of their cultural and social potential often remains. This is a shame, as video games offer new opportunities to convey an intuitive understanding of complex relationships and empathy for marginalized groups through interaction compared to other media. Ultimately, however, they are also simply a popular leisure activity for young and old. Just like radio and television, video games can also make an important contribution to the educational and entertainment mandate of public service broadcasting and require a sustainable infrastructure to enable them to realize this potential. The inclusion of video games in the Interstate Media Treaty should make this possible.

Recognize e-sports as an official sport

We are calling for e-sports to be recognized as an official sport and included in state funding. The sporting competition with computer games has many parallels to traditional sports, involves a high degree of complexity, promotes team spirit and trains cognitive skills. Devaluing e-sports as a mere leisure activity is no longer in keeping with the times and cannot be justified from either a scientific or social perspective.

Legalize free dancing

We are committed to legalizing non-commercial free dance events (e.g. freeteks) along the lines of the Bremen model.